Sunday 25 April 2021

Class 3 Homework

 All the children should have brought home some homework on Friday. This is the first bit of homework they have had for a while apart from spellings so I have chosen two fun pieces to get them going. 

There is a an English ordering objects alphabetically- great for dictionary skills and spellings) and a Maths (division with a remainder- this came up in a arithmetic test and lots had forgotten how to do it.) task but normally they will either get a Maths or English task to complete in their books. 

Lots of children didn't have their homework books in school or book bags so could they be tracked down and be back in school. Could Homework be returned by Thursday please.

Reading books will still go home on Thursday (sorry we forgot last Thursday till end of day so some children brought them home on Friday.)

Please still encourage your child to colour in books on bookshelf sheet when reading at home.

Hope this helps and don't hesitate to email if you have further questions or jot a note in your child's homework book.

Thanks Mrs Mason

W/C: 28.3.22

 Hi Class 3! I hope you are feeling ok. I'm back at school now too, so I'd love to see the work you are doing at home :)  Please ema...