Wednesday 23 September 2020

Wednesday 23rd September

 Hi Year 3!

I hope you've all enjoyed the start to the week. I wanted to remind you to start playing TTRS 🌟

You should all have your password details on the laminated card I gave you today and should know how to play because we had a go.

We played a 'Gig!' today which automatically set you on a level. You will have another 'Gig' after you've played enough 'Garage sessions'.

Also have a go at the 'Soundcheck'.

This is just like the Year four tables check that you'll do next year.

The more you practise the better you will get, have fun!

Don't forget you have a spelling quiz on Monday, bring your red book to school. 

See you next week!

Mrs Davis 😊

Monday 21 September 2020

Monday 21st September

 Welcome to Class 3🌞!

Here are some links to our spelling overviews, you will know which group you are in:

Group 1

Group 2

This way you can see what we are covering this term.

Here is the spelling menu 

Have a go at your spellings every night. Don't return the sheet but can you bring in your small red books for the quiz every Monday.


This week we are looking at conjunctions and writing stories in English. In maths we are continuing to work on place value and addition and subtraction.

Don't forget to keep reading!

I've included a few links that might help those of you that are at home,

Mrs DavisπŸ˜€

W/C: 28.3.22

 Hi Class 3! I hope you are feeling ok. I'm back at school now too, so I'd love to see the work you are doing at home :)  Please ema...