Wednesday 16 December 2020

Merry Christmas!!

 Dear Class 3 Children and Parents,

Just a message to thank you all so much for the kind gift! 

It was such a fabulous surprise, we really were all thrilled and can't thank you enough for a wonderful autumn term!

We also hope that you have a safe, peaceful and very merry christmas break.

See you all in the New Year.

Love from,

Mrs Davis, Mrs Mason and Mrs Jones 🎄🎅🤶

P.S. Here we are on party day 16th December 2020

Tuesday 8 December 2020

Science Homework

 Hi all!

It's great to see some children have already been busy making their Magnetic Games at home! 

Well done! 😀

Here is the letter with all the information about homework task in case it didn't make it home!

Dear Class 3 Parents,

To finish off our topic on Forces and Magnets I would like to children to make their own magnetic game. I have a given them some ideas and I have brought in some boxes if they need them (there are also magnets in school they can use).  

I am setting this homework early so we can quarantine the games in school and then they can play each other’s’ games.

There will be no homework set next week to give you plenty of time to get games finished. They need to be back in school by Monday 14th at the latest.. They can bring them in next week and play them with their friends on Friday

This will be the last set piece of homework for this term but please keep practising times tables with your child and encourage them to reads lots over the Christmas break. Maybe set them a challenge on number of books read and let us know in class!

W/C: 28.3.22

 Hi Class 3! I hope you are feeling ok. I'm back at school now too, so I'd love to see the work you are doing at home :)  Please ema...