Thursday 29 October 2020

Half Term and Homework

 Hi Class 3 and Parents!

Hope you're all having a lovely half term. I've enjoyed some wet and muddy walks, up hills and in the forest, pumpkin carving and time at home! πŸ•πŸπŸŽƒ

Can't wait to hear what you've all been up to!

The Maths homework sent home may be quite challenging, it wasn't differentiated but we have covered the content in class. Any problems then just add a note to the sheet and if very tricky then concentrate of times tables using Rockstars or in your homework book. We will be revisiting addition and subtraction and will look at any difficulties back in class.

See you all next week.

Mrs Mason πŸ˜€

Friday 9 October 2020


 Happy Friday everyone!

The children have brought home their homework books today. I have explained the tasks and how to use book but here is a reminder.

English tasks will be in front of book and Maths tasks will be in the back.

They need to be returned by next Friday ready to mark.

The Bookshelf sheet is for the children to record how many books they have read at home each week. They colour in or write title on spine of book.

The spelling overview is just for information, the children continue to do spellings as before,

Please feel free to write in book if there are any problems or if you want to tell us how your child got on with the task. Your child may want to use objects to help them with the calculation as shown on sheet.

Have a great weekend,

Mrs Mason πŸ˜€

Monday 5 October 2020

Outdoor Classroom

 Dear Class 3  and Parents,

We will be using the outdoor classroom 🌳every Thursday starting this week. Please can you send your child in with wellies πŸ‘’or other suitable waterproof footwear and make sure they have a warm, waterproof coat. They will stay in school uniform so don't need any other change of clothes. The children will hang there wellies on their peg and bring home at the end of the day. They are not to be left in school.

We've had a couple of rocks πŸ’Žgo missing which children have brought into school to show. I still have a few places to search amongst my things but I think it's better if the children don't bring anymore rocks in now. We also only have a few more weeks of this topic left.

Thanks, see you on Thursday,

Mrs Mason πŸ˜€

W/C: 28.3.22

 Hi Class 3! I hope you are feeling ok. I'm back at school now too, so I'd love to see the work you are doing at home :)  Please ema...